Register / Evaluate - Domain Names
If you are starting from scratch and want to understand how to go about, step by step and get into domain investments or acquire domains for your business, here are some of my suggestions:
Where to register :
You can check out many accredited .IN registrars, see a list on . Godaddy, Dynadot are some of the preferred US based registrars. There are no residency requirements for registering .IN or .CO.IN domains. Prices are typically under $8 per year of registration
How to pick domain names:
I prefer domain names that have commercial value in India, domains that pertain to products and services and are of high value. Domains that are not a TM violation (check to make sure there are no obvious trademarks), generic keywords are a great option in this case.
To find popular search keywords or valuable domains use a combination of these tools
1) Google search/Google trends - Use both of these tools to see how popular your Keyword or Acronym are. Use specifically for India to check popularity
2) - Search for historical prices for domain name sales, very useful tool
3) - Tool that provides you data on recent registrations (.com only). Although this is .com only, it gives you a great insight into Keyword popularity
4) Google Adwords - This is the largest online advertising platform and popularity of keywords here directly impacts the bids on the keywords. As competition for the keywords increase, so will the bids for Adwords
5) - For product words, this is a good tool to check the popularity of a product
6) and - Platform where .IN and .CO.IN domains are listed for sale.
Popular .IN/.CO.IN and Domain related forums - , , , ,
Check out historical .IN and .CO.IN sales prices on
Note: Large global corporations typically own 1000's of domain names in their portfolio. For every product category they have numerous domain names to market the product.
Check out for .com / .net and .in/ domains that are currently available to purchase. Many of our .in / are not listed and available through private enquiries. Some videos /interviews related to .IN
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