Domain Names = Real Estate You might have seen this comparison quite a bit and there are a lot of similarities between Domain Names and Land (Real Estate). Without a piece of land, you can't build a home, hotel or any other physical building, similarly without a Domain Name , you can't have a home or a website online. With Real Estate (land), there are premium real estate like lake front, ocean front, downtown - locations which draw traffic or great visibility. Domain Names also range in their valuations depending on whether they are premium or not , premium domains are generally 1 word generic keywords describing a product or service (similar to Cars, Hotels, Loans etc). There are pricing variations depending on Domain Names being generic keywords or short acronyms or numbers, also whether they end in .com or a country code like .in / (India) , (UK), .de (Germany) Domain Names = Patents /IP In Patenting, corporations usually don't just have one patent, the...